


"Crunching the numbers" to find solutions has come a long way since the days of pocket calculators and protractors. Today's innovative companies use cutting-edge computational technologies, predictive models and sophisticated algorithms to drive their strategies. Applied mathematics and statistics majors at esball国际平台客户端 learn how to use these in-demand skills to solve real-world problems in 工程, 科学与商业.


The main reason can be found in the name itself — "applied" is the operative word. Our program emphasizes how you can use quantitative skills, logic and math tools to develop solutions for a wide variety of industries.

esball国际平台客户端, work with your classmates to tackle challenging concrete problems through math and statistics. Our flexible curriculum lets you specialize your skills toward a specific discipline, 比如商业或工程. Access additional hands-on learning opportunities by participating in faculty research projects or taking graduate classes as an undergraduate. And our Applied Mathematics and 统计数据 Class of 2023 had a 100%安置率

Whatever your goal, this is the right place to achieve it.


Our program focuses on applying mathematics and statistics to real-world situations. 所有的课程都是由教师专门教授的.


  • 应用线性代数
  • 生物信息学
  • 微积分I, II和III
  • 结构分析的计算方法
  • 实验设计 & 数据分析
  • 离散数学与证明
  • 初等微分方程
  • 博弈理论 & 经济战略
  • 数学建模概论 & 软件
  • 数学研究概论
  • 数学建模
  • 数值 & 工程计算
  • 数值方法
  • 概率 & 统计数据

The applied mathematics and statistics program consists of 44 credit hours in mathematics and statistics, 科学15个学分, 还有15个学分的应用选修课. 自由选修课有27个学分, which is enough to complete a minor or second major if you so choose.



The following courses are required for all students, irrespective of their program of study. 这些课程在秋季学期开设, with FY100 First-Year Seminar being required of only first-year students. Both FY100 and UNIV190 are typically taken during the fall semester of the first year at Clarkson.




  • MA131微积分I
  • MA132微积分II
  • 数学建模导论 & 软件 
  • 离散数学与证明 
  • MA231微积分III
  • MA232初级微分方程
  • 应用线性代数
  • MA363数学建模
  • MA377数值方法
  • MA451 数学研究概论 (2 credits) or MA453 Introduction to Mathematical Instruction (2 credits)
  • 概率 & 统计数据


Students are required to complete the following 专业经验: 



  • MA331傅里叶级数 & 边值问题
  • MA332中间微分方程
  • STAT381概率 
  • 统计学 
  • 高级应用统计学 


  • BY314生物信息学(4学分)
  • CE420结构分析计算方法
  • CE438有限元法概论
  • CH330传输过程基础
  • CH490基本输运现象
  • 物理化学
  • 物理化学II
  • 计量经济学概论
  • EC350经济原理 & 工程经济学
  • EC384博弈论 & 经济战略
  • EE264数字设计导论
  • EM333运筹学要素
  • ES220统计
  • ES222材料强度
  • ES223刚体动力学
  • ES250电气科学
  • ES260材料科学 & 工程我
  • 流体力学
  • ES340热力学 
  • ES400数值 & 工程计算 
  • ES405实验设计 & 数据分析 
  • ME442 Engineering Analysis Using the Finite Element Method 
  • 优化工程 
  • OM331操作 & 供应链管理 
  • PH221理论力学 
  • PH231现代物理学基础
  • PH323光学
  • PH325热物理
  • PH331量子物理
  • PH380电磁理论1
  • PH381电磁理论2
  • PH432量子物理1
  • PH451统计力学 



  • CS141计算机科学概论I(4学分)
  • PH131物理I(4学分)
  • PH132物理II(4学分)
  • Elective Biology (BY), Chemistry (CM), or Physics (PH) elective (3 credits)


Students will have at least 15 credit hours available to use toward Knowledge Area and/or University Course electives to satisfy the esball国际平台客户端共同经历 requirements.


Students will have approximately 27 credit hours available to use toward courses of their choice.

Every Clarkson student is required to complete a 专业经验 before they graduate. Applied mathematics and statistics majors can practice and utilize skills that are in high demand, 比如使用和解释数据. 在过去, 学生在国家研究实验室实习, research facilities around the world and in a wide range of industries.

欲了解更多信息,请访问我们的获奖网站 职业中心

Our 18 full-time faculty are actively involved in research — many in interdisciplinary settings such as Clarkson's 可持续环境研究所, STEM教育协会,我们的 Mathematical Biology Team Science (MBioTS) 研究 Experience for Undergraduates (REU) 或者是 复杂系统科学中心. 从大一开始就和他们一起工作. 你的项目甚至可能有资格获得学分.

Clarkson offers more than 200 student-run 俱乐部和组织. 许多人专注于工程, computer programming and other areas where you can put your math skills to work. Or, you can just relax with a club sport or another activity.

看到所有 俱乐部和组织.


A minor in computer science is a natural fit for this major, given how often you use computational methods for complex problem-solving. 在编程方面获得坚实的基础. 掌握基本的软件工程原理. Understand the design, analysis and implementation of data structures and algorithms. 学习更多esball国际平台客户端计算机科学的辅修课程.


Complement your applied math and statistics knowledge with a minor in business to make yourself irresistible to employers. They value not only your quantitative skills but also your well-rounded understanding of what makes a business grow. Gain a foundation in major business functions like accounting, economics, finance and marketing. 学习更多esball国际平台客户端商业辅修课程的知识.


Math produces a "Swiss army knife" skill set f或者是 workforce. 近年来, graduates of Clarkson's applied mathematics and statistics program have gone on to work as mathematicians, 工业和政府部门的统计学家和精算师.

你不需要努力寻找:根据美国的数据.S. Bureau of Labor 统计数据, demand for mathematicians and statisticians is 预计到2031年将增长31%.

Applied mathematics and statistics majors can be found in almost every field that deals with science, 工程, 工业与科技. Companies look to hire people with the skills our students acquire to test prototypes, 运行模拟, 创建预测模型, 评估风险和更多.


  • 精算师
  • 分析师
  • 生物统计学家
  • 译解密码者
  • 数据科学家
  • 预测分析
  • 全球定价分析师
  • 风险分析师
  • 软件工程师
  • 系统工程师


Private industry seeks out our students, though many choose to go on to graduate programs. 近年来,我们的 students have begun their careers with:

  • 95%集团有限公司
  • 确保资讯保安
  • BAE系统公司
  • BPAS精算和养老金服务有限责任公司
  • 洛克希德·马丁公司
  • Vincity能源


  • 俄亥俄州立大学
  • 罗切斯特大学
  • esball国际平台客户端


When you need a mega-dose of computing power to solve complex problems, 转向我们的高性能计算集群ACRES. Short for Accelerating Computational 研究 for Engineering and Science, ACRES提供160 teraflops的求解速度.



电子邮件: math@osgoodschlattersurgery.com
电话: 315-268-2395

Want to know more about the mathematics program or what you can expect once you're here? 让我们知道.



See how a BS in Applied Mathematics and 统计数据 from Clarkson can help you get where you want to go. 今天esball国际平台客户端以了解更多信息.