


The interdisciplinary 生物科学博士 and 生物技术 gives you the opportunity to work on complex challenges in the field. 通过额外的课程, you will specialize your knowledge and gain the technical skills to come up with innovative solutions through the study of cells. The degree will open the doors to competitive opportunities in academia or private industry.


esball国际平台客户端's 生物科学博士 and 生物技术 offers a rigorous curriculum and extensive research opportunities for you to become a scholar in the field. 在学习期间, you will have access to our state-of-the-art facilities and other resources to complete your original projects.

The curriculum is interdisciplinary, and our faculty reflect that scope. 你将能够与生物学家密切合作, 化学家, 物理学家, 作为导师的数学家和工程师. Your advisor will help you create an individualized plan that focuses on your areas of interest. Class sizes are small to encourage collaboration and team-building — skills you'll find in laboratories all over the world.

到你毕业的时候, you will have acquired specialized knowledge and technical skills in molecular bioscience and biotechnology, 生物医学和神经科学, 计算生物学和生物信息学, 生态、进化和环境. Your training will prepare you for further research opportunities in academia or senior roles in related industries.


This program consists of 90 credit hours of coursework, seminars and a dissertation. 必修课程包括:

  • 细胞和分子生物学的两门核心课程.
  • 一门生物技术或分子生物学实验课.
  • Two specialization elective courses from one of four categories (分子生物科学 & 生物技术; 生物医学科学 & 神经科学; 计算生物学 & 生物信息学或生态学、进化论 & 环境).
  • 任选一门免费选修课.
  • 计算生物学的一门课 & 生物信息学范畴.
  • 一门esball国际平台客户端生物伦理、政策或法律的课程.


  • 生物医学科学 & 神经科学
  • 计算生物学 & 生物信息学
  • 生态学、进化 & 环境
  • 分子生物科学 & 生物技术


Specific course requirements for the Interdisciplinary Bioscience and 生物技术 (IBB) program include the following: two core courses in cell and molecular biology (BY580 & BY582); one biotechnology or molecular biology lab course (BY512 or CM570); two specialization elective courses from one of four categories (分子生物科学 & 生物技术; 生物医学科学 & 神经科学; 计算生物学 & 生物信息学; 生态学、进化 & 环境); one free elective course from any category; one course from the 计算生物学 & 生物信息学范畴; and one course on bioethics, policy, or law.


分子生物科学 & 生物技术

  • BY510发育生物学(3学分)
  • BY512分子生物学实验室(4学分)
  • BY515免疫学研究进展(1 cr)
  • BY560比较生理学(3学分)
  • BY562比较生理学实验室(2学分)
  • BY580高级细胞生物学(3学分)
  • BY582分子遗传学(3 cr)
  • BY586分子生物技术(3 cr)
  • BY650生物化学I (3 cr)
  • BY651生物化学II (3 cr)
  • BY652药理学(3cr)
  • CM520分离和电化学(3学分)
  • 胶体和界面(3学分)
  • CM544药物化学(3cr)
  • CM553药用生物材料(3cr)
  • CM566生物电子学 & 生物纳米技术(3学分)
  • CM570生物化学 & 生物技术实验室(3学分)
  • ES552生物材料 & 生物医学工程应用(3学分)
  • 生物物理学导论(3学分)

生物医学科学 & 神经科学

  • BY515免疫学研究进展(1 cr)
  • BY518毒理学与流行病学原理(3 cr)
  • BY519免疫生物学(3 cr)
  • BY520微生物学(3学分)
  • BY540生物医学康复工程导论 & 科学(3学分)
  • BY548医学微生物学(3cr)
  • BY555癌症细胞与分子生物学(3cr)
  • BY560神经生物学(3学分)
  • BY571解剖学 & 生理学I(3学分)
  • BY572解剖学 & 生理学II(3学分)
  • BY573解剖学 & 生理学实验1(2学分)
  • BY574解剖学 & 生理学实验II(2学分)
  • BY576生物学时事 & 医学(3学分)
  • BY588干细胞和再生医学(3cr)
  • BY604分子药理学(3 cr)
  • ME380专题:生物力学(3学分)

计算生物学 & 生物信息学

  • BY514生物信息学(4学分)
  • BY610生态统计与实验设计(3学分)
  • ES505实验设计与数据分析(3学分)
  • MA571微分方程数值解(3学分)
  • 蒙特卡罗模拟入门(3学分)
  • 数理统计I(3学分)


  • BY525生物系统 & 环境变化(3个月)
  • BY528保护生物学(3 cr)
  • BY531湖泊学(3 cr)
  • BY532湖沼学实验室(2学分)
  • BY620 Evolution (3 cr)
  • CE575海岸工程(3学分)
  • CE577大气化学(3cr)
  • CE579水及污水处理设计(3 cr)
  • CE580环境化学(3学分)
  • CE682环境生物过程(3学分)
  • 环境化学中的CH509受体建模(3学分)
  • 方法与分析(3 cr)
  • ES533人体暴露分析(3cr)
  • ES534空气污染管制(3 cr)


  • Possess a baccalaureate (four-year) degree in biology or a relevant science (e.g.(生物化学、生物物理学、环境科学).
  • 三个学期的生物学,包括遗传学.
  • 四个学期的化学,包括有机化学.
  • 两个学期的物理.
  • 两个学期的数学,包括微积分.

Solving real-world problems based on cutting-edge research is at the core of what we do. With access to nationally recognized faculty and 18 research centers and laboratories, 我们有你在你的领域取得进步所需的资源. 我们有超过380个行业合作伙伴, 政府机构, chambers of commerce and research organizations also offer graduate students a wealth of opportunities to continue doing their important work.


Our faculty are recognized as leaders in their respective fields and are at the helm of cutting-edge projects. They collaborate closely with each other to provide innovative solutions for complex problems. Our faculty members also value the talents of students and serve as active and engaged mentors.


生物科学博士 and 生物技术 students have two options for completing their coursework: entirely onsite at our main campus in Potsdam, 纽约, 或者采用混合格式, 在线课程和现场课程相结合.

Many of our full-time, research-based master's and PhD programs are housed in Potsdam. You will be in close proximity to many of our research labs and centers, 我们的图书馆和其他资源.



  • 网上申请表格.
  • 的简历.
  • 目的陈述书.
  • 在你的陈述中, please mention two or three faculty members who you believe would be good advisors/supervisors based on their research areas.
  • 三封推荐信.
  • 官方成绩单.
  • GRE考试成绩.
  • 可选:没有GRE考试成绩的申请将被阅读, but applicants should submit scores if they believe they will enhance their application.
  • For international applicants, an English proficiency test is required.
  • 最低考试成绩要求:托福(80分)和托福基础(8分).5)、雅思(6).5) PTE(56分)或Duolingo英语测试(115分).
  • The English language-testing requirement is not waived based on language of instruction, 我们也不接受大学证书. English testing is waived if an applicant has a degree from a country where English is the Native Language. 点击这里 看看这些国家的名单.

先决条件: Applicants should possess a baccalaureate (four-year) degree in biology or a relevant science (e.g.(生物化学、生物物理学、环境科学) with the following minimum college course preparation: three semesters of biology, including genetics; four semesters of chemistry, including organic chemistry; two semesters of physics and two semesters of mathematics, 包括微积分.

All graduate students are considered for University merit-based financial assistance, 包括助教, 研究助理, 奖学金及奖学金. 这项资助由各学术部门颁发. 并非所有项目都提供所有类型的助教奖学金. 请访问财政援助, costs and scholarships page to learn about department-specific assistance.


助教奖学金(助教)提供津贴和全额学费. Duties include an average of 12 hours of work per week for 50 weeks or 20 hours of work per week for 30 weeks. Duties may include assisting in the laboratory or recitation sections and grading of reports or homework.


研究助理 (RAs) require no teaching responsibilities and provide a standard stipend plus full tuition. 工作由项目的首席研究员(PI)决定。.


The 生物科学博士 and 生物技术 opens the doors to competitive roles in academia and other research centers. Our graduates also go on to work in a variety of professions and fields, including:

  • 农业
  • 生物技术公司
  • 能源公司
  • 环境保护
  • 政府机构
  • 医疗保健公司
  • 高等教育
  • 医学实验室
  • 药品



  • Caris生命科学
  • 安柏瑞德航空大学
  • 哈福德社区学院
  • 纽约州环境保护部
  • 宝洁公司 & 赌博
  • 生梯生物科学
  • 萨斯奎哈纳大学



  • 宾夕法尼亚州立大学
  • 加州大学旧金山分校



电子邮件: graduate@osgoodschlattersurgery.com
电话: 518-631-9831

Interested in learning more about the 生物科学博士 and 生物技术? 请立即与我们联系.



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