


高级证书课程旨在进一步提高您在当前学科领域的现有知识. Clarkson offers advanced business certificates in a variety of areas described below.

Why Earn a Graduate Business Certificate From Clarkson?

So far, you’ve approached your career from a perspective of progress. You aim to grow your skills to set yourself apart, become an asset to your organization and look toward the next chapter. 在这个过程中, 你进一步寻求发展专业化, pivot toward a new industry or take on more responsibilities.

No matter your interests or aspirations, Clarkson’s graduate business certificates:

  • 帮助您构建额外的, more specialized skills on top of your bachelor’s degree and professional experience.
  • Target in-demand industries currently needing strategic, business-rooted专业人士, including healthcare and supply chain management.
  • Enhance your understanding of leadership, management and functional business areas.
  • 让你在目前的职位上占有优势, or help you translate your existing knowledge to a new industry or career path.
  • Do not require GRE or GMAT scores for admission, and select programs pave the way to Clarkson’s 在线MBA or 医疗保健管理MBA. 


基于课程, esball国际平台客户端esball国际app商业证书使您了解以下方面的先进或行业特定概念:

  • 会计与金融
  • Economics
  • 数据分析
  • 信息系统
  • 领导
  • 管理
  • Marketing
  • 风险管理
  • 操作



Gain the strategic tools to approach business challenges in the workplace. Understand the basic principles of accounting, finance and operations. 学习最新的营销技巧. Hone your management skills and envision yourself as a leader.

学生可以按照证书途径完成该证书,以获得在线MBA的自动录取, 只要达到最低等级水平.


  • AC604 Financial and Managerial Accounting for Decision Making
  • 财务管理
  • IS606商业信息系统
  • MK610营销管理
  • 全球供应链管理
  • OS603领导力与组织行为学

Healthcare has become one of the fastest-growing industries in the U.S. economy, 特点是快速变化和需要管理,将延伸到可预见的未来.

这个18学时的课程是为当前的医疗保健专业人员和对行业内商业和管理如何交叉感兴趣的个人设计的. 您在证书期间获得的工具将使您能够应对医疗保健组织中的高级业务挑战.

学生可以按照证书途径完成该证书,以获得医疗保健MBA的自动入学资格, 只要达到最低等级水平. 该计划可以在首都地区校园现场完成,也可以与选择的在线课程混合完成.


  • 卫生系统概论
  • HC651卫生系统管理


  • HC605运行状况操作管理
  • HC617医疗金融
  • HC620卫生经济学
  • 卫生系统营销
  • HC647数据分析的统计方法
  • HC648健康信息
  • HC650健康政策动态
  • HC656团体执业管理
  • HC657医疗保健领导专业研讨会
  • HC674医疗保健的法律方面
  • HC680管理流行病学

供应链管理背后的原则侧重于发展原材料的无缝流动, 产品/服务, 信息和金融资本. The supply chain starts at the initial design process, 包括原材料采购和物流,并持续到将产品或服务交付给最终客户, with a goal of creating customer satisfaction at an optimal cost.

该证书需要四门课程. 完成这些课程可以使个人在这一重要领域富有成效,并且可以提供强大的专注力, should the individual decide to continue on to an MBA. 课程完全在线完成.


  • 全球供应链管理
  • 质量管理和过程改进
  • OS667谈判和关系管理
  • SB640 Advanced Topics in Supply Chain 管理

管理和领导证书旨在为入门和中级管理人员提供组织流程中的核心业务技能, 变更管理, 资源管理和领导. 它的重点是协助经理和行政人员提高他们的管理和领导技能,以便对他们目前的组织产生积极影响,并帮助他们推进职业生涯. 课程完全在线.


  • OS603领导力与组织行为学
  • OS651高绩效领导力


  • os657领导组织变革
  • os667谈判和关系管理
  • SB 620业务流程分析

在人力资源管理证书将提供必要的教育背景,使有关人力资源问题的管理明智的决策. This certificate is designed to equip professionals with the resources for strategic, critical thinking necessary to optimize the human resource needs of an organization. 课程完全在线.


  • OS603领导力与组织行为学
  • OS676 Current Issues in Human Resource 管理


  • OS667谈判和关系管理
  • SB651全球通信
  • SB655建立和管理有效的团队 

The global economic landscape continues to evolve, 管理者必须能够预测, develop and implement new products and new business models to be successful. 该证书培养能够理解市场驱动和技术驱动的新产品开发和创新管理的专业人士.

在选修课上, 您将学习如何研究终端用户对创新的需求和需求,并了解信息技术在新数字经济中出现的创新商业模式中的作用. You’ll learn about entrepreneurial leadership and building work cultures for innovation, as well. 课程在波茨坦现场举行.


  • MK609市场营销管理(MBA模块)
  • 新产品营销
  • OM676发展 & 管理技术
  • SB613创业 & 新公司 

为了今天的成功, 公司必须在合适的时间以合适的价格向世界各地的客户提供产品和服务. Supply chain management is the backbone of this complex system. esball国际平台客户端的供应链管理课程将为您在全球连接的市场中取得成功做好准备,在这个市场中,信息技术的进步正在通过提供多种新的技术来加速生产, 整合供应链的低成本选择. 有了这个证书, you’ll learn to build and maintain networks of suppliers and customers that are fast, 灵活响应.


  • 供应链管理(MBA模块)
  • 供应链环境管理
  • 质量管理和过程改进
  • SB641 Advanced Topics in Supply Chain 管理 

Going green is no longer an optional initiative for many businesses. Consumers, 投资者和子孙后代越来越多地要求企业减少碳足迹,并考虑其对环境的影响. With esball国际平台客户端's Environmental 管理 Graduate Certificate, you will acquire the tools to make your organization more sustainable without sacrificing growth.

本证书培养组织环境战略评估和发展方面的知识和熟练程度, 包括绿色供应链实践, 绿色营销与风险管理. 课程在波茨坦现场举行.


  • EC605管理经济学(MBA模块)
  • EC660环境经济学
  • 供应链管理(MBA模块)
  • 供应链环境管理
  • POL571 Energy Policy or SOC670 Environmental Policy

商业基础和医疗保健管理证书为学生提供了进入在线MBA和医疗保健管理MBA的另一种途径, 分别. If you have thought about any of the following, this pathway might be right for you:

  • I want to get started right away without taking an admission test.
  • 我希望能根据我在MBA核心课程上的表现被考虑进入MBA项目.
  • I’m not sure if I want to complete an entire MBA, but I would like to learn core business principles in a short amount of time and still be able to apply all my coursework, 我应该选择继续读MBA吗.
  • 我想尝试一下MBA课程,我可以用它来获得一个有价值的和公认的证书, 即使我决定不完成整个MBA课程.


  1. Applicants will be assigned an advisor as soon as their application is received. The application will not go to the Graduate Admission Committee for an admission decision; rather, 申请人将由他们的导师进行筛选.
  2. The advisor will meet with the student and explain the pathway. If both agree that this pathway is good for the student, together they will develop a plan of study that best meets the student’s needs.
  3. The student may then begin taking classes according to the plan.
  4. If the student receives a grade of C (or below) in any course, the student will be automatically removed from the pathway and from the certificate program. If removed, a student may appeal to be reinstated. The appeal will go to the admission committee and essentially be treated as a normal application; they may reinstate, 拒绝复职或要求学生在做出决定之前参加GMAT入学考试.
  5. If the student completes the certificate with no Cs (or below) and an overall GPA above 3.2, 学生将自动被MBA课程录取(如果愿意的话),不需要在录取委员会之前去. 不符合这些标准的学生仍然可以申请MBA课程,但将通过正常的MBA录取程序.
  6. Students who complete at least three courses toward the certificate with a GPA above 3.7 will be eligible for early pathway admission and, 要求, 会自动被MBA项目录取,而不需要经过正常的录取决定程序.


esball国际平台客户端的毕业生商业证书帮助您获得技能,使您在工作场所脱颖而出,并促进您的职业生涯, 根据你的领域和经验:

  • Take on additional responsibilities in your existing role.
  • Specialize your knowledge to prepare for a promotion.
  • Strengthen your leadership skills in preparation for management.
  • 将你的一般商业背景转化为具有显著增长潜力的需求行业.
  • Pursue a Master of Business Administration by applying your credits toward Clarkson’s 在线MBA or 医疗保健管理MBA.


先决条件: BS / BA等效.

A complete application file consists of the following items:

  • 网上申请表格
  • 简历或简历
  • 目的陈述书
  • 两封推荐信
  • 官方成绩单
  • GMAT/GRE考试成绩(豁免至2023年)
  • For international applicants, an English proficiency test is required:
  • Minimum test score requirements: TOEFL (80) and TOEFL Essentials (8.5)、雅思(6).5) PTE(56分)或Duolingo英语测试(115分)


Email: graduate@osgoodschlattersurgery.com
Phone: 518-631-9831

Interested in learning more about the Reh School of Business's graduate certificates? Contact the Office of esball国际app招生 today with your questions.


展望未来,并设想你的职业生涯与esball国际平台客户端esball国际app商业证书的下一个阶段. If you see yourself as a valuable asset to your workplace, take the next step.