
To take a leap into the world of business, you need a strong foundation. 这就是商学所提供的. 在选择专业之前, you will gain a broad background in the business skills employers want that sets you apart from the rest. 

Why Choose the 商科课程 at esball国际平台客户端?

Your journey into the business world begins the minute you set foot in the classroom. All undergraduates in the Reh商学院 begin as Business Studies majors. 攻读学位的前两年, 你将学习金融课程, 会计, 数据分析, 道德, 市场营销, 企业家精神和其他重要话题. This will give you the kind of well-rounded education that employers seek and a chance to explore all the majors we offer before choosing the right one for you.

At Clarkson, you won't have to wait until the end of your studies to put your learning into practice. 作为一名大一学生, you will launch your very own company with a team of peers and pitch it to potential investors. 这些课程都是实践性和合作性的. Faculty will offer guidance and personalized instruction every step of the way. During your sophomore year, you will meet with an advisor to help you decide your next step.

无论你的目标是什么, you will find support along the way to help you take advantage of everything that esball国际平台客户端 has to offer. 作为 最佳商学院 在乡下,我们为你的成功做好了准备.


All undergraduate business students take the following courses:

  • AC202财务会计
  • AC203管理会计
  • EC150微观经济学原理
  • EC151宏观经济学原理
  • 计量经济学概论
  • IS211企业信息系统导论
  • LW270法律 & 社会我
  • MA180大学数学导论
  • MA181基础微积分
  • 市场营销原理
  • OM331操作 & 供应链管理
  • OS286组织行为学
  • SB113创业 & 商业创新I
  • STAT282统计
  • 两门理科课程(一门带实验)

在毕业前获得有价值的经验. 应用 the skills you've learned in the classroom with an internship or co-op assignment. Start building your network, and learn from professionals in the field. Explore what you can do with your degree, and start envisioning your future. 了解更多esball国际平台客户端合作社和实习机会的信息.

Join a faculty-led research project, and form part of the next generation of problem-solvers. Opportunities are open to undergraduates during the school year and summer sessions. 探索esball国际平台客户端的研究.

As a first-year business student, you will take Small Business 113: Entrepreneurship and 创新. 在本课程中, student teams form real companies and later pitch their business plans to investors for funding. This opportunity gives you a chance to gain important hands-on experience that will help you throughout the rest of your studies. 你也可以用Reh杯和其他的东西来点燃你的野心 创业机会

Find a community of creators and innovators through Clarkson’s 200-plus student groups. esball国际平台客户端可持续发展俱乐部的志愿者, explore the great outdoors with the Mountain Bike Club or find long-lasting friendships in one of our fraternities and sororities. 现在探索所有的俱乐部和组织.

Use the first two years of your studies to explore our business majors:


Learn how to find, interpret and communicate data to help businesses grow. 课程包括应用数据分析, 数据库设计与管理, 大数据架构等等. Learn more about the business intelligence and 数据分析 major.


Today's global marketplace requires individuals skilled in the integration of technology, 工程与商业管理. esball国际平台客户端工学学士学位 & Management is dually accredited by ABET as an engineering degree and by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACAB) as a business degree. Our unique curriculum combines solid business know-how with technical problem-solving skills in engineering and technology. 了解更多有关工程的信息 & 管理专业.


Graduate with a strong foundation and practical know-how in financial management, 投资与会计. 课程包括会计信息系统, 风险资本和私募股权, 项目组合管理等. 学习更多esball国际平台客户端金融信息与分析专业的知识.


学习如何优化供应链流程的每一步, 从最初的概念到产品的交付. 课程包括战略采购, 产业供应链经济学, 技术管理等等. 了解更多esball国际平台客户端全球供应链管理专业的信息.


Learn how to develop and grow a business venture by using your creativity, 策略和解决问题的能力. 课程包括创新经济学, 介绍以消费者为中心的设计, 将创新商业化等等. 了解更多esball国际平台客户端创新与创业专业的信息. 

International experience is a requirement for all Reh商学院 undergraduate students. 它不仅能让你大开眼界,体验全新的体验, 但它也会让你在就业市场上具有竞争优势. Students can choose to study abroad for a semester at one of Clarkson's international partner institutions, participate in one of our 全球 Business Program trip courses (students participate in a semester-long course, which culminates in a three-week international trip) or travel to nearby Canada for a series of four long-weekend trips. 了解更多esball国际平台客户端我们出国留学的机会. 

When I realized the major I initially intended to pursue wasn’t the right fit for me, the Reh School advisors quickly took me under their wings and gave me all the tools to succeed, 然后是一些. 我以为我会落后,孤独, but I couldn’t have been more wrong: the staff and faculty make me feel nothing but wanted and important. 没有比归属感更好的感觉了.



Business degrees open the doors to almost any industry and can be applied in a wide variety of roles. You will graduate prepared for the competitive job marketplace, 读研或者创业.

Some of the roles our students have found success in include:

  • 品牌经理
  • 首席财务官
  • 商品交易商
  • 顾问
  • 企业采购人员
  • IT分析师
  • 管理会计
  • 招聘协调员
  • SAP分析师
  • 软件顾问
  • 采购代理
  • 供应链经理


我们的学生发现他们的技能是高需求的. The Clarkson Class of 2023 had a 99 percent placement rate with an average starting salary of more than $71,000.

Some of the most recent employers of Reh商学院 students include:

  • 亚马逊
  • 苹果
  • 康宁
  • 埃克森美孚
  • 通用动力公司
  • 纽约梅隆银行
  • 玻色
  • 史诗
  • 富达投资集团
  • GE
  • 埃森哲咨询公司
  • 英国石油公司
  • 高盛(Goldman Sachs)
  • IBM
  • 约翰逊 & 约翰逊
  • 美国西北相互
  • 安海斯-布希公司
  • 德勤
  • Veritas '


Many of our graduates choose to pursue advanced degree programs. 许多人都在攻读esball国际app学位 库尔特工程学院 or Reh商学院的课程,包括 加速MBA, or esball国际平台客户端的其他esball国际app项目. Other graduate schools where our students have recently enrolled include:

  • 波士顿学院
  • 卡耐基梅隆大学
  • 杜克大学
  • IESEG管理学院
  • 纽约大学
  • 密歇根大学


电子邮件: rehbusiness@osgoodschlattersurgery.com
电话: 315-268-6613

Interested in learning more about the Business Studies program? 联系Reh商学院今天有您的问题.



我们相信投资于未来的领导者. 除了以成绩为基础的奖励和以需求为基础的资助, we offer business-focused programs to help you afford your education.



这就是你通往成功之路的起点. Take the next step to earning a business degree from esball国际平台客户端.