


机械工程师几乎影响着现代社会的各个方面. It's hard to think of something that exists in our world that a 机械 engineer hasn't had a hand in designing or producing.

作为一个机械工程专业的学生, 你可以期待良好的就业前景, 薪水高,工作多样.


我们提供机器设计的研究领域, 机器人, 生产流程, 热力学, 流体流动, 复合材料和更多. You can study anything from biomechanics and assistive technologies for people with disabilities to automation and 机器人 systems. 你甚至可以了解船舶、潜艇、飞机和航天器的设计.

You'll gain hands-on experience working on projects alongside world-class faculty members, 谁的研究活动涵盖了广泛的领域, 从优化美国雪橇.S. 奥林匹克雪橇协会创造最新的风管风力涡轮机技术.

作为一个机械工程专业的毕业生, 你离开esball国际平台客户端的时候就具备了应用工程原理的能力, 科学和数学建模, 分析, 设计和实现物理系统.



  • 电子科学
  • 数值方法在工程中的应用
  • 流体力学
  • 工程设计概论
  • 传热概论
  • 材料科学 & 工程
  • 刚体动力学
  • 材料强度
  • 热力学
  • 热力系统工程


The following courses are required for all students, irrespective of their program of study. 这些课程在秋季学期开设, FY100第一年研讨会只要求一年级学生参加. Both FY100 and UNIV190 are typically taken during the fall semester of the first year at Clarkson.



All students majoring in an engineering program offered by the Coulter School of 工程 and Applied Sciences (excluding engineering & management majors) take courses that are part of a common curricula during the first year. Therefore, students may defer the selection of a major field of study until the sophomore year. 从大三开始, a significant amount of specialized material is incorporated into each curriculum. 在大四,课程集中在学生选择的领域. Courses in humanities and social sciences are taken throughout the 4-year program as part of the esball国际平台客户端共同经历.

在第一年, students majoring in an engineering program offered by the Coulter School of 工程 and Applied Sciences (excluding engineering & 管理专业)必须完成以下课程:

  • CM131普通化学I(4学分)
  • ES100工程计算机应用概论(2学分)
  • ES110工程 & 社会(3学分)
  • MA131微积分I(3学分)
  • 微积分II(3学分)
  • PH131物理I(4学分)
  • PH132物理II


Students majoring in 机械 engineering are required to complete the following courses:

  • ES220静力学(3学分)
  • ES222材料强度(3学分)
  • ES223刚体动力学(3学分)
  • ES250电气科学(3学分)
  • ES260材料科学 & 工程I(3学分)
  • 流体力学(3学分)
  • 热力学(3学分)
  • 专业经验 
  • MA231微积分III(3学分)
  • 初级微分方程(3学分)
  • 高等工程数学(3学分)
  • ME201机械实验方法导论 & 航空航天工程(1学分)
  • 工程设计导论(3学分)
  • ME301机械实验方法 & 航空航天工程(1学分)
  • 热力学系统工程(或ME455振动) & 控制)(3学分)
  • 动力系统(3学分)
  • ME326中级流体力学(3学分)
  • ME341机械元件力学(3学分)
  • 机械高级实验方法 & 航空航天工程(1学分)
  • ME411传热导论(3学分)
  • 有限元法工程分析(3学分)
  • 综合设计I(3学分)
  • 综合设计II(3学分)
  • ME455机械振动 & 控制(或ME310热力学系统工程)(3学分)


The following are electives students are required to complete for the 机械 engineering major. 学生必须在机械工程中选择一门3学分的工程选修课, 航空航天工程或工程科学. 典型课程包括ME444计算机辅助工程(CAD), 优化工程, ES380生物力学, ME390增材制造或ME429焊接和冶金.


这一要求可以通过高年级的数学课程来满足, 物理, 其他工程学科和机械工程(e.g., STAT383应用统计学,MA339傅立叶级数与边值问题).


Students majoring in 机械 engineering are required to take at least 15 credit hours to satisfy the Knowledge Area and/or University Course electives requirement. 对于机械工程专业,必须包括ES110工程 & 社会学和经济学课程,如EC350工程经济学.


Students majoring in 机械 engineering have at least 6 credit hours available to use toward courses of their choice.

Any undergraduate student at Clarkson can get involved in hands-on research with a faculty expert. 研究 experiences for undergraduate 机械 engineering majors include both on-campus research in the fall and spring semesters and paid summer internships funded by government agencies or foundations. 了解更多esball国际平台客户端esball国际平台客户端的研究.

一年两次, nearly 200 employers come to campus to recruit undergraduate Clarkson students for internships and co-ops. 2020年春季,有100多家公司在招聘机械工程师. Many students who have internships or co-ops with companies they meet at one of our Career Fairs receive full-time job offers before graduation. 了解更多esball国际平台客户端合作社和实习的信息.

Our undergraduate 机械 engineers are among the most active students on our hands-on, 有竞争力的SPEED(学生工程经验和设计项目)团队. 任何专业都可以加入我们的 13个SPEED团队. 机械工程师代表我们部门参加了Baja SAE等多个团队, SAE清洁雪地车, 方程式SAE/方程式SAE电动和人力车辆.

You'll find leadership opportunities and lifetime friendships through over 200 student groups. 探索所有的俱乐部和组织.


As various fields of medicine and healthcare increasingly depend on advances in technology, graduates with combined expertise in biomedical engineering principles and knowledge of biological sciences will be in high demand. 了解更多esball国际平台客户端生物医学工程的辅修课程.


The business minor provides broad exposure to the foundations of major business functions and is an excellent complement to a technical major. 学习更多esball国际平台客户端商业辅修课程的知识.


辅修电气工程课程为能源系统打下基础, 基础电气科学和数字设计. 了解更多esball国际平台客户端电子工程的辅修课程.


本辅修课程将扩展您对制造业相关主题的知识, 比如生产管理, 统计质量控制和生产过程. 了解更多esball国际平台客户端制造工程的辅修课程.


Increasing demands on the 机械 and 环境 durability of national infrastructure require improving the strength and useful life of steels, 混凝土, 陶瓷和其他工程/结构材料. 学习更多esball国际平台客户端材料工程的辅修课程.


The minor in 机器人 provides a solid and coherent introduction to the field with four required core courses and three elective courses. 了解更多esball国际平台客户端机器人辅修课程的信息.


Clarkson has a wide range of minors, concentrations and professional advising tracks. 我们将帮助您设计符合您的目标和兴趣的教育. 了解更多esball国际平台客户端未成年人,浓度和轨道.


Syed Bazif, 来自皇后村的esball国际平台客户端机械工程大三学生, NY, 被授予国家电网“为我们的未来充电”DEI(多样性, 公平与包容工程奖学金. 他拿到了1万美元,还有一个带薪实习的机会.


A bachelor's degree in 机械 engineering from Clarkson starts graduates out strong — Class of 2023 graduates in Mechanical 工程 had starting salaries as high as $112K and a 98 percent placement rate.


  • 先进制造
  • 机械工程
  • 过程工程
  • 项目工程
  • 机器人
  • 技术销售


Monica Bomze ’22 presented research for a new instrument to be used for minimally invasive laparoscopic surgery (MILS). Her findings were published in the ASME Journal of Medical Devices as part of the conference proceedings.


通过运用在esball国际平台客户端开发的解决问题的技能, 毕业生在许多不同的行业部门担任领导职务. Many 机械 engineering majors also choose to continue their studies at graduate schools.


Here is a sampling of companies who have recently hired Clarkson aerospace engineering graduates.

  • Apple
  • 北极猫
  • 菲亚特克莱斯勒汽车公司
  • 通用动力电船
  • 通用动力任务系统
  • 通用电气(GE)
  • 全球铸造厂
  • 洛克希德·马丁公司
  • Moog
  • NASA
  • 海军核实验室
  • 诺福克海军造船厂
  • 贝蒂·格
  • 朴茨茅斯海军造船厂
  • Pratt & 惠特尼,雷神技术公司(RTX)
  • 雷神导弹系统公司
  • 西门子能源
  • SpaceX
  • Tesla
  • 丰田
  • 环球主题公园 


  • esball国际平台客户端
  • 佐治亚理工学院
  • 密歇根州立大学
  • 西北大学
  • 宾夕法尼亚州立大学
  • 密歇根大学
  • 弗吉尼亚大学




Email: mae@osgoodschlattersurgery.com
Phone: 315-268-6586

Interested in learning more about the 机械工程学士学位? 如有任何疑问,请立即与本署联络.



A Clarkson SPEED Team consisting of 25 students from several different majors won a first-place finish in the Diesel Utility Class at the 2020 SAE清洁雪地车 Challenge.




学习如何应用工程原理, science and mathematics in a hands-on environment with experienced and accessible faculty.