PhD in Mechanical Engineering

PhD in Mechanical Engineering

Expand Your Expertise




通过与世界相关的课程和与行业领导者的接触, business and education, you'll be prepared to master complex systems, 在人们和领域之间建立联系,并为当今一些最棘手的挑战发现创造性的解决方案. 你将加深你的知识基础,加速你的想法变成具有持久影响的伟大产品.

我们系是esball国际平台客户端最大的系之一. 我们有几个机械和航空航天研究设施和实验室,包括我们的小风 Blade Test Facility (全国仅有的三个之一),一个飞行模拟器和一个 wind tunnel (上届冬奥会前,美国雪橇队在这里测试了他们的雪橇空气动力学性能).

我们国家认可的教师将他们自己的经验和网络带到他们的教学和建议中. 我们的院长和教师定期与由行业领袖组成的咨询委员会进行磋商, alumni employers, research partners, 智库联盟成员和学术界同行.

What You'll Learn


除了在你感兴趣的领域学习一系列课程之外, you will complete a research dissertation, 对所选学科的研究作出重要的原创性贡献. 每个博士生由一名主要研究顾问和一个咨询委员会指导.

Example Courses

  • Advanced CAD
  • Advanced Fluid Mechanics
  • Advanced Mechanical Vibration
  • Advanced Mechanics of Composite Materials
  • Advanced Optimal Design
  • Advanced Welding Metallurgy
  • Computational Fluid Dynamics
  • Continuum Mechanics
  • Engineering Analysis
  • Finite Element Methods
  • Principles of Physical Metallurgy
  • Stochastic Processes in Engineering


Main Campus Degree Requirements: PhD

MS in engineering or equivalent. 其他学科的学生申请将根据具体情况进行处理.

Required Courses

Minimum of 2 ME Graduate Courses:

  • Advanced Thermal Systems (ME517)
  • Advanced Fluid Mechanics (ME527)
  • Stochastic Processes in Engineering (ME529)
  • Computational Fluid Dynamics (ME531)
  • Fluid Mechanics of Aerosol Dis (ME537)
  • 实验气溶胶力学与仪器(ME538)
  • Advanced Optimal Design (ME543)
  • Advanced CAD (ME544)
  • Continuum Mechanics (ME554)
  • Advanced Mechanical Vibrations (ME555)
  • 复合材料高级力学(ME557)
  • Applied Dynamical Systems (ME563)
  • Adv. Mod and Sim of Design Systems (ME580)
  • Advanced Welding Metallurgy (ME590)
  • Principles of Physical Metallurgy (ME595)
  • Plasticity (ME633)
  • Advanced Turbulence (ME639)

At least 1 mathematics course:

  • Engineering Analysis (CE556)
  • Engineering Analysis (CH561)
  • Finite Element Methods (ME515)
  • Sets and Topology (MA514)
  • Classical Complex Analysis (MA521)
  • Classical Real Analysis (MA522)
  • Initial and Boundary Value Problems (MA531)
  • Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations (MA550)
  • Numerical Methods (MA577)
  • Numerical Analysis (MA578)
  • Probability (MA581)

No more than 2 courses from:

  • 材料工程选修课(ME591)
  • Selected Topics in Manufacturing (ME594)
  • Selected Topics in Heat Transfer (ME618)
  • Special Topics in Fluid Mechanics (ME628)
  • Selected Topics in Solid Mechanics (ME657)

Course Work Requirements

b)必须完成至少39个学分的课程. 学生可以从硕士学位中转入最多30个学分的研究和课程, with a grade of B or better. esball国际app转学分/豁免申请表必须由esball国际app委员会主席和系主任批准. 例如,esball国际平台客户端没有相应的课程, 但是导师认为这门课值得转学, a Special Graduate Topics course number may be used; e.g., ES 999, CM 999, CH 999, etc.
c)不超过四门课程(包括转到硕士学位的课程).S. degree) may be selected from the following list. 以前选择的主题课程,以满足硕士学位的要求不计入此限制.
ME591 Selected Topics in Materials Engineering
ME594 Selected Topics in Manufacturing
ME618 Selected Topics in Heat Transfer
ME628 Special Topics in Fluid Mechanics
ME657 Selected Topics in Solid Mechanics
d) 6 credits of seminar
e)除硕士课程外,至少再修两门硕士课程.S. 学位课程要求(39学分必修课程的一部分).

博士esball国际app入学综合考试(资格考试、课题答辩考试)必须在入学后两年内完成. 如果考试不及格两次,学生将被退学.

论文必须在审查委员会之前提交并口头答辩. 审查委员会至少由五名成员组成, four of whom must be Clarkson faculty. 至少有一名教员必须来自导师所在部门以外的其他部门. With the approval of the provost, 第五名委员可由校内外任何持有适当资历的人士出任.



  • Online Application Form
  • Resume.
  • Statement of Purpose.
  • 3 Letters of Recommendation.
  • Official Transcripts.
  • GRE Test Scores.
    • Required.
  • 对于国际申请者,需要英语水平测试.
    • 最低考试成绩要求:托福(80分)和托福基础(8分).5), IELTS (6.5), PTE (56) or Duolingo English Test (115).
    • 英语语言测试要求不会因教学语言而被免除, nor do we accept university certificates. 如果申请人在英语为母语的国家获得学位,则免除英语测试. Click here to see the list of these countries.


MS in engineering or equivalent. 其他学科的学生申请将根据具体情况进行处理.

Career Opportunities

到2023年,在美国拥有博士学位的机械工程师的工资中位数将会下降.S. was $115,000 a year, according to 然而,拥有博士学位的工程师的期望薪水根据经验有很大的不同.


  • Industrial production manager
  • Professor
  • Research manager

Recent Employers


  • Cadence Design Systems
  • Exxon
  • Facebook
  • LC Drives
  • Lucid Motors
  • Pratt & Whitney
  • RIT
  • Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
  • WEG Industries

| STEM OPT Eligible

Contact Us

Department of Graduate Admissions
Phone: 518-631-9831

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Find out more about the 机械与航天工程系 in the Coulter School of Engineering

100% Graduate Placement Rate - Program Specific

Deepen Your Expertise

Increase your earning potential, 并有资格获得esball国际平台客户端的博士学位,获得广泛的学术和行业机会.