

Every year the importance of 网络安全 as an educational imperative grows. 针对个人的网络攻击, organizations and critical infrastructure are reported with increasing frequency and urgency, 随着公司, organizations and governments work tirelessly to minimize the damage caused by data breaches in both the public and private sectors. 网络安全是当今发展最快的职业之一.

无论你是专业人士还是学生, Clarkson's new 网络安全理学硕士 prepares you to enter this important and growing field with an advanced understanding of 网络安全 defensive strategies. 

We familiarize students with evolving trends in offensive techniques deployed by attackers and the corresponding evolution in defense, and allow students to gain practical skills with 网络安全 tools.

网络安全项目非常灵活. 它可以亲自或在线完成. 我们也提供论文和非论文的选择. 

The non-thesis option requires students to complete a 网络安全 project and additional coursework. The thesis option requires students to successfully complete and defend, 当着教员委员会的面, 原创网络安全研究.

Clarkson’s 网络安全理学硕士 is a joint program of the Computer Science and the Electrical and Computer Engineering departments, led by a committee of faculty from both departments who do research and teach in the area of 网络安全. 


A master's in 网络安全 from Clarkson can prepare students for a career in 网络安全 or a PhD program. Job opportunities range from 网络安全 analyst to network security engineer to chief information security officer.

The Computer Science and Electrical and Computer Engineering faculty at Clarkson are internationally recognized, with notable teaching and research experience in the 网络安全 realm. 

Our program immerses you in the most recent innovations and strategies. 课程是体验式的, and what you learn in the classroom and in your own research can be applied to the most complex challenges facing the industry today. 

我们保持班级规模小, so our outstanding faculty can give you the personalized guidance needed to help you achieve your goals. You can also tap into Clarkson's extensive and engaged alumni network.



  • Have an advanced understanding of 网络安全 defensive strategies including strategies for prevention, 检测, 恢复和应对.
  • Be familiar with both the evolving trends in offensive techniques deployed by attackers and the corresponding evolution in defensive strategies that is necessary to counter attackers.
  • Gain practical skills in the use of 网络安全 tools with an emphasis on defensive techniques.

A Master of Science degree at Clarkson requires a minimum of 30 credits.

The semester-based program has a thesis option and non-thesis option. 这两个选项的四门核心课程相同:


CS 600级课程有一个研究部分. They include a research project (individual or group at the discretion of the instructor), 或者是研究论文的阅读和讨论, 或两个. The inclusion of such a course in the core requirements is a distinguishing feature of our program. 

2学分的研讨会(CS707, 708)

The thesis option requires a written thesis based on 网络安全 research. The thesis will be examined by a committee of Clarkson faculty and must be defended orally to that committee. 

All students must have a research advisor by the end of their first semester of study and must submit a research proposal to their thesis committee by the end of the semester before they plan to graduate.

Full-time thesis students can expect to complete a degree in four semesters.


The non-thesis option requires a 网络安全 project that can be a standalone project done for course credit. It can also be a project done as part of a security-related course or a project done for an internship or at a full-time job. 

每个项目必须事先得到项目委员会的批准. 项目完成后, 书面报告将由项目委员会审查, 或者由项目委员会指定的教员负责.

Full-time non-thesis students could expect to complete a degree in three semesters. 


  • 网上申请表格.
  • 的简历.
  • 目的陈述书.
  • 三封推荐信.
  • 官方成绩单.
  • GRE考试成绩.
    • 要求. 豁免将被考虑.
  • For international applicants, an English proficiency test is required.
    • 最低考试成绩要求:托福(80分)和托福基础(8分).5)、雅思(6).5) PTE(56分)或Duolingo英语测试(115分).
    • The English language-testing requirement is not waived based on language of instruction, 我们也不接受大学证书. English testing is waived if an applicant has a degree from a country w在这里 English is the Native Language. 点击这里 看看这些国家的名单.

Applicants are normally expected to have an undergraduate degree in computer science, 计算机工程或软件工程. 

至少, 申请人必须完成两门计算机程序设计课程, 一门涵盖计算机组织主题的课程, 以及强调证明的数学课程.

Faculty members in the Department of Computer Science perform research in a broad set of areas, 跨越理论领域, 人工智能, 网络安全, 软件, 系统和网络. Brief details on each faculty member’s research areas and expertise can be found 在这里. 完整的细节可以通过访问个别教师页面找到.


In today's digital landscape, 网络安全 continues to grow in importance across all sectors. 有一份预期的工作 增长率为32%, 网络安全 professionals are in high demand and will continue to be for the foreseeable future. For those with a background in computer science or 软件 engineering, 网络安全的职业生涯是令人兴奋的, 有益和有影响力的职业道路.



电话: 315-268-2395
传真: 315-268-2371 

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