


世界需要更多的能源,同时消除化石燃料. 电 power consumers want smart grids that distribute power and communicate with homes and businesses, 设备和电器,甚至是充电的电动汽车. 我们怎样才能建设满足这些需求的能源基础设施? esball国际平台客户端's Master of Science in 电al Engineering with a concentration in power engineering prepares you to address these important challenges.


作为我们电力工程专业的毕业生, 你会发展一个坚实的专业基础,并学会应用先进的计算机, 通信, 电子产品, 电力工业的控制和信号处理技术. Our department instills the willingness to work hard and contribute to areas including research and development, 规划, 设计, 操作, 现场服务和施工. 我们在实验室进行前沿研究,比如我们的 智能电力系统与控制实验室. 电力系统正朝着分布式能源的大规模集成发展, 包括可再生资源, 储能装置和电动汽车. This lab's research focus is to explore advanced control and management algorithms for smart power systems to promote the sustainable development of communities.

This approach equips you for a career influencing the development of renewable energy technologies and sustainable energy systems.



The power engineering graduate concentration consists of 30 total credit hours and at least six electrical engineering courses, 其中四个是动力工程专业. 课程作业占21-27学分, 一个研讨会占2学分,一个项目占1到7学分.


  • 电力系统应用的数据分析
  • 电介质
  • 电力分配系统
  • 可再生能源与电力系统的互联
  • 并网可再生能源系统
  • 微电网设计与控制
  • 电力系统规划
  • 电力系统保护
  • 电力系统I和II

Power Area Course Offerings:  Clarkson currently has seven graduate-level electric power engineering courses that are offered regularly in the distance format.  这些课程是:

  • EE 534电力系统市场运行(偶数春季)
  • EE 430/530高压技术和测量(甚至跌落)
  • EE 537电力系统保护(即使跌落)
  • EE 531电力系统规划(奇数弹簧)
  • EE 532高级电机(奇数落)
  • 电力系统运行与控制(奇数弹簧)
  • EE 439/539电介质(奇数落)

暂定学期的课程也包括在这个列表中. esball国际app权力课程将不时更新.  然而, the number of graduate power courses and frequency of their offerings will be maintained.

课程可以选择以满足硕士学位的要求, 经学生学术顾问同意. Examples of distance ECE courses that may be of interest to distance power students includes EE 552 Optimization Techniques in Engineering, EE 553线性系统, 和EE 555非线性系统.

The Clarkson School of Business offers a number of courses of potential interest to students in the Distance Power Engineering ME program. These courses may be offered on a different schedule and in a different format than the engineering courses.  有些课程将在夏季提供. 兴趣课程包括:

  • OS 666  Negotiations (Prerequisites OS 608 or OS 602 waived for Professional Power Engineering ME degree candidates.)
  • OS609组织行为与绩效管理(要求周末在校学习)
  • ES510/OM680项目管理
  • EC605  Managerial Economics (Permission of instructor granted for Distance Power Engineering ME degree candidates)
  • FN608  Financial Management (Permission of instructor granted for Distance Power Engineering ME degree candidates)

With approval from their advisor, students can transfer up to 10 credits from other institutions.

Double Numbered Courses: The distance offerings include certain courses appropriate for both advanced undergraduate students and graduate students. 这些课程既有高级课程编号,也有esball国际app课程编号.e., EE 439/539电介质). Students with credit for this course material in their undergraduate programs cannot also get graduate credit for the same topical material. 然而, it is important to be able to offer these courses to ME students who do not have this background.

Students can apply to switch to the thesis based Masters of Science program if they have identified a power engineering faculty member who has agreed to advise their thesis research.

学习时间表. Distance course offerings will be scheduled so that students who wish to do so are able to complete the distance ME degree in power engineering in 2 years. A typical program of study could involve students taking 2 courses per semester in both fall and spring semesters of each year, 暑期商业课程, 在夏天完成一个1学分的项目. 计划在三年内完成学业的学生可以, 例如, 每年秋季和春季学期选修一门工程课程, 两个暑假各上一门商科课程, 在最后一年的学习中完成一个4学分的项目.

Online course offerings are scheduled so that part-time students with a concentration in power engineering can complete their degrees in two and a half years. 典型的学习计划包括每季度一门课程,共10个季度.

这个2.5年, cohort-based program of study in electric power engineering leads to an MSEE degree and meets the requirements of Clarkson’s Advanced Certificate in Power Systems Engineering at the completion of the full program.

适合计划在三年内完成学业的学生, 你将在秋季和春季学期选修一门工程课程, enroll in a business course for both summers in the program and complete a four-credit-hour project during your final year.


Earning a master's in electrical engineering degree with a concentration in power engineering can boost your job prospects, 创造新的职业机会和更高收入的潜力. Today, all electrical engineers are in demand throughout many areas of the economy, including:

  • 调试与运行工程
  • 配电系统规划
  • 高压工程
  • 光伏发电
  • 电力电子变换器设计
  • 电力设备及控制设计
  • 输电系统规划
  • 风能系统


  • 大容量电力系统操作员
  • 调试工程师
  • 交通拥堵的分析师
  • 咨询工程师
  • 控制保护工程师
  • 数据中心项目经理
  • 配销计划工程师
  • 电力系统工程师
  • 市场设计专员
  • 电源工程师
  • 产品开发工程师
  • 变电站设计工程师
  • 传输工程师


Our MS in 电al Engineering with a concentration in power engineering alumni have gone on to work with companies such as:

  • Avangrid / NYSEG / RGE
  • 伯恩斯 & 麦克唐奈
  • 加州ISO
  • 中央哈德逊天然气 & 电
  • CHA咨询
  • 联合爱迪生公司(奥兰治和罗克兰公用事业公司)
  • 联合能源公司
  • 统治的能量
  • Eversource能源公司.
  • 通用电气(General 电)
  • ISO新英格兰
  • 诺尔斯原子能实验室
  • 国家电网
  • 纽约ISO
  • 纽约电力局
  • 奥康奈尔电
  • 差劲的
  • 东北电力系统公司.
  • 插电源
  • Power Engineers, Inc.
  • 西门子能源
  • 曾经的公司


A limited number of one-year and/or partial-year tuition scholarships are available for qualified full-time students. 也有数量有限的津贴. Most scholarships and/or stipends are associated with department assistantships or completion of a master’s thesis as part of the qualified applicant’s plan of study.


Learn more about all of our scholarships and how to apply by contacting the Coulter School of Engineering's graduate division via email at enggrad@osgoodschlattersurgery.com.


电子邮件: graduate@osgoodschlattersurgery.com
电话: 518-631-9831

Interested in learning more about the MS in 电al Engineering with a Concentration in Power Engineering? 联系esball国际app招生办公室今天有你的问题.


菲尔巴克,我们的电力工程团队项目的主管,解释了我们的2.5年, 基于队列的MSEE项目, which also meets the requirements of our Advanced Certificate in Power Systems Engineering upon completion.


Sharpen your technical skills and establish yourself as an expert in this in-demand field with a master's degree in power engineering from Clarkson.

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