Using your Academic Accommodations

Submitting Your Accommodations

Once you have been granted academic accommodations, 你可以把住宿情况提交给你的教授. This will need to be done at the beginning of each semester. 在你的住宿得到教授的认可之后, you will be able to schedule your exams for that course. 请按照以下说明向您的教授提交住宿:

  1. Use a web browser with pop-ups enabled.
  2. 登录myCU,点击学生仪表板左侧工具栏上的myCU主页.
  3. Select Tutoring & Accommodations then Class Accommodations.
  4. Complete and submit the OAS contract and ethics agreement.
  5. 单击“选择课程的住宿”,然后切换到“是您想要为该课程使用的所有住宿”. Submit the selection. Repeat this step for each course.
  • If you have an extended time accommodation and you have back-to-back classes (i.e. 你延长的住宿时间会让你错过下一节课。, 你必须和你的指导老师一起确定一个双方都同意的考试时间. 如果考试由OAS监考,考试时间必须与考试中心时间一致. Please see Exam Conflicts below for more information.
  • If you have a flexible attendance accommodation, 您还必须下载并填写灵活出勤协议表格与您的导师。.
  • If you have a flexible deadline accommodation,你还必须下载并与你的导师一起填写灵活截止日期协议表格。.
  • If you have an individual accommodation 或者一个你觉得与你的老师谈论有益的住宿, reach out to your instructor(s) as soon as possible.
  • Submit your request for alternate format textbooks here.
  • Email to request to use your note taker accommodation.

如果您没有任何学术住宿设置或有进一步的问题, please reach out to OAS at



如果您对如何正常提交考试申请有疑问, please view the OAS Exam Signup Tutorial linked above. You will find answers to Frequently Asked Questions below.

  1. I have a class directly after one of my other classes. 由于时间的延长,我无法完成上一节课的考试,也无法按时赶上下一节课. What should I do?
  2. 我知道OAS在周五下午4点关闭测试服务. 如果我周五的考试晚于下午4点,我该怎么办?
  3. I have an exam at 8:00 pm. However, myCU will not let me enter start times after 7 pm. What should I do?
  4. 当SAS发布我的期末考试时间表时,我应该在OAS考试报名中输入我的期末考试时间表吗?
  5. 我忘记了一个考试,没能在规定的7天内输入到myCU. Can I still take my exam with my accommodations?

1. I have a class directly after one of my other classes. 由于时间的延长,我无法完成上一节课的考试,也无法按时赶上下一节课. What should I do?

When you submit your accommodations to your professors, 如果你有任何潜在的冲突,myCU会自动通知你. 你需要和你的教授讨论一下最好的做法.

There are a few possible solutions you can discuss. Can you start the exam a little earlier? Do you need to take the exam at an entirely different time? 最好让你的开始时间尽可能接近原来的开始时间. OAS可以帮助你在与教授见面之前确定选择.

请在开课的前几周联系你的教授,这样你在第一次考试前就有了一个计划. This plan should be the same for the entire semester. 你应该在每次考试前提醒你的教授不同的约定开始时间,因为他们可能会忘记. When you submit your exam request through myCU, be sure to schedule your exam for the agreed-upon time, not the originally scheduled time.

2. 我知道OAS在周五下午4点关闭测试服务. 如果我周五的考试晚于下午4点,我该怎么办?

Friday exams can also work like exam conflicts. If you have an exam that could go beyond 4:00 pm on a Friday, you’ll need to treat that like an exam conflict. 

我们办公室最迟在周五下午2点开始考试. Please discuss this with your professor. 如果你需要在另一个日期参加考试,那就应该尽早讨论.

3. I have an exam at 8:00 pm. However, myCU will not let me enter start times after 7:00 pm. What should I do?

The latest OAS starts exams is 7:00 pm. We are open until 10:00 pm. 确保你在合理的时间内完成任务,尽量减少干扰, we start all evening exams at 7:00 pm. 你应该在晚上7点进入我的cu,并计划在那个时候参加考试.

4. 当SAS发布我的期末考试时间表时,我应该在OAS考试报名中输入我的期末考试时间表吗?

No. OAS will enter all of your final exams for you. 我们也会解决期末考试的冲突,并安排你的位置. 如果你在期末考试中不使用住宿,或者你的某门课没有期末考试,你有责任通知我们. 你也有责任要求延长住宿时间, a distraction-reduced location, and a separate location. 

一旦SAS发布了你的期末考试时间表,OAS就会解决任何冲突. OAS只会根据与另一门考试的冲突时间来调整考试. 由于期末考试的数量较多,我们不能接受转移期末考试的请求. 请注意,OAS学生在一天内最多可以有两次期末考试,而且可能是背靠背的. OAS then enters your final exam times into myCU for you. 你应该点击myCU的“住宿和辅导”,然后点击“住宿”来查看你的期末考试时间表. You will follow this schedule, not the one SAS created for you.

OAS稍后会回到您的考试请求中,以输入您的考试地点. 每次我们修改您的期末考试时间表时,您都会收到myCU的电子邮件. Don’t let these emails confuse you. 只需登录myCU,点击“住宿和辅导”,然后点击“住宿”,即可查看期末考试时间表的当前状态. 通常课程表在考试开始前两周左右敲定.

5. 我忘记了一个考试,没能在规定的7天内输入到myCU. Can I still take my exam with my accommodations?

The short answer is that it depends. OAS有一个迟到的考试政策,我们无法在某个时间点之后安排考试. 学生负责通过myCU安排自己的考试 at least 7 days in advance. 在此截止日期之后收到的任何考试请求都将被审查,以确定OAS是否能够添加此考试请求. 不能保证美洲国家组织能够兑现迟来的请求.

OAS将不考虑考试前工作日中午之后收到的任何延迟考试请求. This means that, for example, for a Friday 2 pm exam, 与美洲国家组织的联系必须不迟于星期四中午,以供考虑. 如果考试是在周一,OAS将不会考虑周五中午之后的申请.

Students are permitted up to 5 late exam requests each semester. 在分配的5个请求之后,OAS将不再考虑该学生的延迟请求.


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