

Push the Boundaries of Your Career

在当今以科技为中心的世界, we need professionals who can ask big questions, are innovative problem-solvers and inquisitively dig deeper into a subject. This is what an MS in Physics offers you.

esball国际平台客户端, you will be able to focus your analytical and research skills to drive innovation. Expand your understanding of the fundamentals of physics. Learn how to apply your knowledge to broaden what we understand of the field. 离开的时候,掌握了技术和研究背景,这将为博士项目打开大门, 实验室, observatories and private industry.

Why Earn an MS in Physics From esball国际平台客户端?

我们的课程允许您以与您的职业目标相一致的方式专注于应用研究领域. 课程设置灵活, 让你选择通过额外的课程来加深你的学习,或者更多地专注于完成你自己的研究.

我们系的特点之一是我们为学生提供个性化的关注. We keep our class sizes small, encouraging collaboration between peers. Your research advisor will provide comprehensive guidance, 你还会从与其他教员友好开放的关系中进一步受益. We value your input and ideas and treat you as a fellow scholar.

Despite our size, Clarkson offers the resources of a much larger university. 你将有机会进入最先进的研究中心,并有机会参与团队项目.


The 物理学理学硕士 takes two years to complete. Students take up to 30 academic credit hours consisting of graduate coursework, 论文和研讨会. By the end of your second semester, 您将选择一个研究课题和研究顾问,以帮助您完成研究或专业要求.

You can choose from three options to complete your degree:

  • 论文选择: Defend a submitted thesis written on independent research.
  • 非论文选项A: Conduct research for a professionally oriented special project.
  • 非论文选项B在esball国际app学习的两年内顺利完成物理综合考试. 这是为目前就读于我们的物理博士课程的esball国际app保留的,他们希望在完成博士论文的同时获得科学硕士学位.

As for specializations, you can choose from the following:

  • 生物物理学
  • Chemical Mechanical Planarization
  • 计算物理学
  • 物理教育


  • At least 30 credit hours of graduate coursework, with no less than 18 credits of courses (including the core subjects, PH661, PH663及PH669), 6学分的论文(PH699)和2学分的研讨会(必须包括PH683或PH684至少1学分).  Only 500 and upper-level courses are accepted. 最多10个学分(B级或更高)可以从学士后证书课程转移. A minimum of 19 credit hours out of the total 30 must be taken in physics (coursework, 研讨会和论文学分).
  • At least one academic year of study beyond the B.S. 虽然典型的课程长度为2年,但所有工作必须在5个日历年内完成.

Academic Standing and Other Requirements:

  • 累积平均绩点3分.毕业需要000英镑. Students with GPA falling below 3.000 will be placed on academic warning. These students will return to academic good standing if their cumulative GPA is 3.000 or higher at the end of the next term.
  • 学生必须在第二学期学习结束前确定研究课题和研究顾问. This requirement applies to both thesis and non-thesis (A & B)选项.
  • 学生必须完成以下列出的研究或专业经验组成部分之一.
  • Thesis Option: Students complete at least one of the core courses, PH661, PH663 or PH669 with no less than a B grade; AND defend a submitted thesis written on independent research. The thesis examination committee, composed of at least three Clarkson faculty, is appointed by the student’s department.
  • 非论文选项A:  Coursework component – Students take all three PH661, PH663 and PH669 courses and obtain a grade of at least B in each. The student’s advisor may authorize, with the approval of the department chair, 用另一门适合学生专业的高级课程代替最多一门课程(B的最低成绩要求仍然适用). 项目组成部分-学生的研究(PH699)将集中在一个专业导向的特殊项目上. 这个项目的完成(工作的书面报告)将由他们的学术顾问在通知系主任的通知中证明, and the student’s final report will be submitted to the Graduate School.
  • 非论文选项B: Coursework component – same as that of Non-Thesis Option A. 在esball国际app学习的两年内成功完成物理综合考试后,选项A中的项目部分将被选项B所取代.
    • 非论文选项B是为目前就读物理博士课程的esball国际app保留的,他们希望在完成博士论文的同时获得科学硕士学位.

For additional information about University Requirements, 学生应该查阅esball国际平台客户端目前的esball国际app规定和esball国际app目录.



  • Make use of knowledge acquired from core areas of Classical Mechanics, Electromagnetism and Quantum Mechanics.
  • Take part in collaborative project works with diverse teams of participants.
  • Analyze and solve advanced problems in Physics, utilizing complementary skills of mathematical and computational analyses.  
  • 向专家和非专业人士解释和有效沟通技术信息.

我们的教师在物理学和跨学科项目方面进行创新研究,帮助提高我们对世界的理解. 作为一名学生, 你将受益于他们的指导,并在一个合作和鼓励的环境中与他们密切合作. Learn more about their experience and areas of specialization.


The major areas of emphasis in our department include:

  • 天体物理学
  • 生物和纳米技术
  • 生物物理学
  • 扩散
  • 能量储存
  • 材料物理
  • 纳米系统
  • 纳米技术
  • 网络理论
  • 物理教育
  • 软物质与高分子物理

作为一名学生,你可以 中心 比如雷诺天文台, 物理团队设计实验室, 材料电分析表征实验室和计算实验室. 

A complete application consists of the following:

  • 网上申请表格.
  • 的简历.
  • 目的陈述书.
  • 三封推荐信.
  • 官方成绩单.
  • GRE考试成绩.
    • 一般GRE是必需的.
  • For international applicants, an English proficiency test is required.
    • Minimum test score requirements: TOEFL (80) and TOEFL Essentials (8.5)、雅思(6).5), PTE (56) or Duolingo English Test (115).
    • 英语语言测试要求不会因教学语言而被免除, nor do we accept university certificates. 如果申请人在英语为母语的国家获得学位,则免除英语测试. 点击这里 to see the list of these countries.

先决条件申请人必须具有物理学或相关学科的学士学位或同等学历. Applicants are expected to have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher at the time of application. 此外, 申请人必须在所有物理和数学科目中取得“B+”或以上的成绩.

For those seeking Teaching or 研究 Assistantships:

  • 建议GRE成绩至少为319分(最低口头成绩为156分,最低定量成绩为163分).
  • GRE Physics Subject Test scores are not required but are recommended.
  • 国际申请者在托福各部分的最低分数应为26分.0 on each band of the IELTS (with a minimum Speaking band of 7.5) or comparable PTE or Duolingo English Test scores.

有兴趣攻读博士学位的硕士学生将被要求参加物理系提供的分班考试. This is offered annually in August. 这一点, in addition to prior academic record, publications and teaching performance, will be considered prior to formal admittance into the PhD program.

我们举办各种研讨会和讲座,全年与客座教授, industry leaders and other professionals widely recognized in the field.

The program is held on our main campus in Potsdam, New York. 我们的许多全日制研究型硕士和博士课程也设在这里. 你将在靠近研究设施,现场实验室和其他资源.



我们的硕士课程将为您提供攻读博士学位所需的严格准备和研究机会. 然而, 你也将带着对科技行业雇主有吸引力的技能毕业. 根据美国.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the demand for physicists is 预计增长更快 than average over the next decade.

Whichever path you take, the MS in Physics can open doors to roles in:

  • 学术界
  • 政府
  • 天文台
  • 私营企业
  • 研究实验室



  • 史诗系统公司
  • 全球Foundries
  • 的搜索引擎优化
  • 迈半导体



电子邮件: graduate@osgoodschlattersurgery.com
电话: 518-631-9831

Interested in learning more about the MS in Physics? Contact the Office of esball国际app招生 today with your questions.

了解更多esball国际平台客户端 物理系.

99% Placement Rate - 2023 Graduate School Overall

