The Clarkson Kevin ’81 and Annie Parker Career Center will partner with your organization to hire the next generation of leaders and problem solvers. 我们将协助您解决所有与公司职业相关的需求等等. From on campus recruitment and educational career workshops to connecting with departments and student organizations, 我们的团队很乐意为您提供支持和合作伙伴.

Looking to recruit a Golden Knight?

  • 在Handshake上发布你的实习、合作、入门级和有经验的职位.
  • Share more about your company’s history, impact, and culture as well as the work you do and the opportunities you are seeking through a Discover Session.
  • Email 与我们的团队合作,帮助您更多地了解我们的学生, 招募人才,成为终身伴侣!

Quick Engagements

  • Advertising & Recruitment opportunities on Handshake
  • Class Profile Information & Salary Data
  • Corporate Branding on Social Media
  • Exposure to students through targeted, 快速和简单的编程:探索环节, Lunch and Learns, Student Group Presentations, Workshops, Panels, etc.

Partnerships with Our Office

  • 职业中心HireAKnight合作伙伴计划
  • Co-Branded Badges for New-Hire Readiness
  • 继续教育,学位完成和培训
  • 针对特定人群的寒暑假项目

Requirements for hiring:

  1. 全职工作(每周35小时或以上)
  2. 所有合作社必须支付最低工资或更高的工资
  3. Duration of co-op (regarding start and end dates) must coincide with registrar’s enrollment period each semester
  4. 任何学生不得连续参加两个以上的带薪实习
  5. 经验必须与学生的专业相关
  6. 雇主被要求在学生实习结束时填写一份调查问卷 via Handshake
  7. 所有其他州和联邦就业法都适用

Housing assistance is not required, 但是可以作为一种竞争优势来吸引候选人来你的项目. 每个雇主处理住房和搬迁援助的方式不同.

作为合作项目的一部分,学生必须得到补偿. 2020年秋季/ 2021年春季Co-Op的平均工资为26美元.25平均时薪(因专业而异). 联系就业中心了解更多信息.

所有的合作社都必须在整个学期内进行. 许多雇主更喜欢在实习经历的基础上加上一个暑假. 雇主可能会要求带薪实习生多待一个学期. Please note, a student is only allowed to take up to two consecutive semesters away on co-op.

Requirements for hiring:

  1. Position must be 150 hours minimum.
  2. 经验应该与学生的专业相关
  3. 雇主被要求在学生实习结束时填写一份调查问卷
  4. 所有其他州和联邦就业法都适用

Housing assistance is not required, 但是可以作为一种竞争优势来吸引候选人来你的项目. 每个雇主处理住房和搬迁援助的方式不同.

Internship positions are typically paid. 2020年夏季实习的平均工资为19美元.00 varies by major). 联系就业中心了解更多信息.


Develop a job description: This provides the student with a clear understanding of expected responsibilities, qualifications, and supervision.  因为这个表格就像一个合同协议, 对学生将要做的事情要非常具体. 学生和指导教师使用职位描述来建立学习目标, which they are asked to share with you.

The job description is used by the Career Center to promote the openings to qualified students. Additionally, you should be sure to include instructions on what application materials are required (resume, cover letter, etc.),以及向谁以及如何提交. 

Market your opportunity. The best way to share your opportunities with students is to create an account on Handshake where you can post as many positions as you wish for absolutely no cost (go to http://www.clarkson.更多信息请访问edu/career center/employers). Questions? esball国际平台客户端的办公室315-268-6477或


The following table reflects recommended time frames to recruit candidates for  internship and co-op positions, these recommendations will ensure there is ample time to promote your opportunity and select the right student.

For an Internship/Co-op DuringAdvertise During
Fall Semester (Sept.-Dec.)March-April
Winter Break (Dec.-Jan.)August-November
Spring Semester (Jan.-April)September-November
Summer (May-August)January-March 
  • Communicate with the student early. Providing a timeline of pre-arrival/arrival information will allow the student to be prepared. 公司通常会提供住房选择, local attractions, 以及在贵公司工作的期望.

  • Create a mentorship program. Pair the student with a full-time employee who will serve as a resource while they are at your company. 鼓励在公司内部建立关系网.

  • 为学生策划一个特殊的项目. 挑战他们,让他们作为一个团队来创造一些东西或解决问题.  Students have indicated that they appreciate feeling like they have made a different at the organization by completing meaningful work. 他们喜欢通过完成与专业相关的任务来学习,喜欢保持忙碌.

  • 你们有特殊培训项目之类的活动吗, performance reviews, lunches with executives, 或者标准工作日之外的社交活动? Invite the student. 如果学生为你工作有很好的经历, they are likely to tell their friends- word spreads- and chances of attracting good students for next year will increase. 

QR code to report hires.

使用我们服务的雇主应报告雇用科罗拉多大学学生的情况. This information is critical as we are obligated by federal regulations to report placement outcomes of federally funded programs. Therefore, 与我们合作的雇主花时间向我们提供这些数据是至关重要的. 通过回答我们的快速调查报告你的雇佣情况. Scan the QR Code shown. 

The Career Center believes that it is in the best interests of both students and employers to allow adequate time for a candidate to make an informed decision about whether to accept or decline an offer. 一旦书面offer延期,雇主必须给学生至少两周的时间来决定. 学生们不应该受到铺天盖地的录取通知的影响, which push students to accept a job offer within a very short time or face having the offer rescinded.

在招募过程中禁止饮酒. Marketing and/or advertisement of alcohol or alcohol-related activities on the campus or in official University publications is strictly prohibited. Student Focused publications will not accept advertising that promotes the irresponsible use or consumption of alcoholic beverages. 就业中心禁止发布招聘信息, 或者支持校园招聘工作, of employers in the cannabis industry as it is a direct violation of the federal DrugFree Schools and Campus Regulations.

esball国际平台客户端致力于机会均等的原则, respect and fair treatment for all. Accordingly, the Career Center reserves the right to reject postings from any prospective employer whose posting, policies or procedures appear to violate the University's commitment to equal opportunity and fair treatment for all, regardless of race, color, sex, age, ethnicity, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, disability, 婚姻状况或退伍军人身份. Additional factors that may lead to exclusion from recruitment activities at CU include: fraud, misrepresentation, breach of confidentiality, 投诉或骚扰中大学生, alumni, or staff; sexual misconduct, 不遵守学校的政策, 以及/或任何违反联邦、州和地方法律的行为, 包括要求提供个人信息(例如.g. 银行和/或社会安全号码),而不是招聘过程的一部分. Federal Law requires the University to investigate and take reasonable action in response to any such complaints. 如果确定投诉是合理的, 我们保留拒绝未来招聘活动要求的权利. In such cases, the organization will be given the opportunity to respond to the complaint; final decisions will be communicated in writing. For any of the aforementioned reasons, the CU Career Center reserves the right to terminate/ refuse the participation of any organization in Career Center activities or affiliations.

本文件提供招聘政策和程序的详细信息. Failure to abide by these guidelines may result in loss of recruiting privileges through The Career Center and on the Clarkson campus. The Career Center offers assistance to employers and individuals in accordance with the National Association of Colleges and Employers. Employers and organizations recruiting are expected to abide by and adhere to the NACE Principles for Professional Practice, the U.S. 平等机会和非歧视法律, Clarkson University’s Nondiscrimination and Harassment Policy and the Fair Labor Standards Act. Approval to use Clarkson facilities does not imply University approval or endorsement of the recruiting organization/individual or its policies, practices or products/services.

为了保持合格的就业中心的雇主招聘和服务, 所有雇主都必须遵守以下规定. In addition, Clarkson University reserves the right to alter these requirements or include additional requirements for specific services, as deemed appropriate by the institution.

  • 雇主必须熟悉并遵守NACE专业实践原则
  • 雇主必须熟悉并遵守美国法律.S. 平等机会和非歧视法律
  • 雇主必须熟悉并遵守《esball国际app》.
  • Employers must abide by the Department of Justice’s Immigration and Nationality Act prohibiting unfair immigration-related employment practices. 8 U.S.C. § 1324b.
  • Employers must ensure that all recruiting professionals are trained and understand how to professionally represent their employer
  • 雇主不得在招聘活动中提供或饮用酒精饮料
A picture of the NACE logo.

就业中心致力于坚持esball国际平台客户端所阐述的原则 Nondiscrimination Policy and other ethical policies.

点击标志或访问全国高校协会的链接 & 雇主:职业操守原则

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