

Spend the summer satisfying your curiosity with one of esball国际平台客户端's summer research programs. Choose from competitive National Science Foundation-funded REU experiences, 找到一个多元化的学者社区, deepen your own area of study at one of our 荣誉课程暑期研究机会 or build your résumé as a Beacon Institute intern.

reu让你一窥致力于研究的生活是什么样的. Work closely with a professor and other participants to find effective solutions for advanced scientific challenges. Enrich your experience even further through professional development activities like field trips, 演讲者系列和专业培训. Groups are kept intentionally small, turning your fellow students into friends and collaborators.

These 10-week programs also position you for successful graduate school applications. Our faculty mentors can serve as references and write letters of recommendation that speak to your strengths. REUs further give you the opportunity to prepare a paper for publication and present in professional conferences, 哪些因素能让你的简历在众多应聘者中脱颖而出.


  • 你一定是美国人.S. 公民或居民(绿卡持有人)申请REU.
  • reu不收取申请费. 被录取的学生将获得津贴、住房和旅行津贴. 
  • 不过你可以申请尽可能多的reu, we recommend setting your sights on programs that closely align with your own interests. You can always reach out with questions to make sure the REU best fits your goals.
  • REU programs are especially geared towards undergraduates who have limited access to research options and/or are from demographics traditionally underrepresented in the STEM fields. 如果这些因素中有一个或多个描述了你的经历, 我们鼓励您在您的应用程序中分享这一点. 
  • 期待在三月中旬收到esball国际平台客户端你的申请状态的回复.


  • A 500-1,000 word personal statement explaining why you want to participate in that specific REU and why you would be an ideal candidate.
  • 成绩单.
  • 推荐信.
  • 简历或简历.

每个项目也可能有特定的资格要求. Please review the requirements for the REU you are interested in before submitting your application.


Look ahead to graduate school or the demanding STEM job market through the 弱势专业机会社群(CUPO) program. Funded by federal and state Education Departments and the National Science Foundation, CUPO programs connect historically underrepresented students with research and professional development opportunities, esball国际app准备 and other academically enriching activities related to the STEM fields.


在一个夏天的辛勤工作后,在你的简历中添加一份出版物. The annual CUPO研究期刊 compiles and publishes the abstracts of all summer research program participants.


Whether you participate in the five- or 10-week summer program, your experience includes:

  • 校内免费提供公寓式住宿.
  • 每周津贴.
  • 定位会话.
  • Weekly workshops on research best practices, poster presentations and oral presentation skills.
  • 实地考察和社会活动.
  • 参与研究及项目展示会议(RAPS).

Applications for current students include a brief description of your project, 指导老师的名字, a résumé and a personal statement describing how the project advances your goals.

Applications for pre-frosh students include a résumé and an explanation of your interest in summer research.

要申请,请查看您的荣誉邮件中的应用程序链接. 荣誉暑期研究经历每年春季开放申请.


Work as a Student Program Assistant and help spark an interest in STEM in middle and high school students. 主持实地考察, lead TEAM Science or our environmental field science programs and instill a love of learning in younger generations. 这些实习是带薪的兼职,为期10到12周.
